
Created in 2012, the French-language journal Source(s) continues to be produced in close collaboration with the ARCHE research unit (university of Strasbourg) and is now open to all researchers working on the history and history of art, in France and abroad.

It explores periods from the Middle Ages to the present, without favouring any particular “school” or approach, but with a particular interest in the history of representations and in transnational and European perspectives.

Each issue is structured around the publication of an unpublished source, accompanied by a presentation and a critical apparatus. The dossier of articles is built in relation to the thematic field of the source. The journal thus offers a space for reflection on sources and their production, and also sees itself as a scientific and methodical tool for the teaching of history.

It also encourages the participation of young researchers from Master's level upwards and publishes thesis positions in a “Varia” section open to information, methodological reflections and debates independently of the thematic field of the issue.


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