Publishing policies

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Politiques de publication

Editorial definition

Title: Source(s). Arts, Civilisation et Histoire de l’Europe.

ISSN (digital): 2261-8562.

ISSN (print): 2265-1306.

Periodicity: Annual.

Year of creation: 2012.

Supervision: ARCHE (UR 3400).

Open Access

Source(s) is an open access journal: its content is accessible at no cost to the reader. Users of this site may read, download, copy, distribute and link to the full text of articles. They may use the content of this site for any other purpose in accordance with the distribution policy (indicated below), without prior request to the publisher/authors.

Distribution policy

Open Access publication (no embargo period).

Creative Commons – Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).

Open access repository policy





Accepted : Until postprint.

Accepted : CC BY‑NC‑SA


Refused : None

Refused : Author’s choice.


Until the issue is published.



Until the issue is published.


Publication fees (APC)

Publication fees: none.

Submission fees: none.

Fees waivers: none, as there is no fees at all.

Peer reviewing policy

Peer review: double blind peer review.

Average number of weeks between article submission & publication: 35 weeks.


Licence Creative Commons – Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)